Career Pathways Summit Recap November 2022
Morning Keynote Address & Respondent Panel
Where are they now?
Are adult learners advancing in their careers? Is their earning power growing? What do the 10-year trends tell us about program design, job placement, and policy guidance?
Join in person or via livestream for a presentation on the newly-released national research and decision tools on career pathway 10-year trajectories and a respondent panel of adult career pathway providers from across Virginia.
Guest Presenter, Dr. Deena Schwartz, Abt Associates, Principal Investigator
Respondent Panel, Sarah Morton, Workforce Director, Virginia Career Works, Facilitator
Corey McCray, Camp Community College President
Andrea Livick, Jobstarter Coordinator, Blue Ridge Community College
Christina Brooks, Senior Director, NextGen and Special Projects, Hampton Roads Workforce Council
Traci D. Branch, Statewide Transition Specialist, Deaf Services, DARS
Carolina Lugo, Director of Programs, Sacred Heart Center
This will be an exploration on how we can deepen our career pathway work for adults in Virginia and meet our workforce and economic development goals and help students meet their goals. Bring your questions!
Tuesday, November 1, 9 a.m.–12 p.m. in the VCU Student Commons
All workforce development system partners, including practitioners at all levels from adult education (Title II), the Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services (DARS, Title IV), the Virginia Community College System (VCCS, Title I), the Virginia Employment Commission (VEC, Title III), and anyone interested in research on what’s working for adult learners in the workforce development system.
The Theater inside the VCU Student Commons, 907 Floyd Avenue, Richmond, VA
How to join?
Participate in the November 1 morning research keynote and panel either in person at Virginia Commonwealth University OR online via livestream.
This event is co-sponsored by the VDOE adult education and DARS’ Pathways federal grant teams. There is no charge for the event and registrants for in-person attendance will be provided a parking pass.
Keynote speaker, Dr. Schwartz and the respondent panel will discuss findings from the Career Pathways Descriptive and Analytical Project Study by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Chief Evaluation Office, in collaboration with the Employment and Training Administration.
Check out these short “coffee break” videos that summarize the findings:
How well has the career pathways approach worked? Video
Launchpad occupations and why they matter for career pathway programs Video
Career advancement from mid-level occupations for women and people of color Video
Evidence-based insights for career pathways programs Video
Afternoon Breakout Sessions
Breakout sessions, 1:30 p.m. – 4:15 p.m.
Breakout sessions are for participants from adult education (e.g., program managers, regional specialists, career coaches) and DARS programs.
Each breakout will run twice, and participants may attend two breakout sessions.
Pathways 2 Careers: Career Advancement for Individuals with Disabilities
Integrated Education and Training (IET) Best Practices
Career and Technical Education (CTE) as IET Partners
Registered Apprenticeships for Adult Learners
Adult career coaches are encouraged to attend all sessions.
National Research and Decision Tools on Career Pathways & Participant Trajectories - Key Findings and themes from the Descriptive Analytical Career Pathways Project
(Deena Schwartz, Project Director - Abt Associates:
Majority of these programs were community college (46%) and/or community based organization (35%)
Goal - provide actionable data
Noted increased overall employment, but no meaningful increase in median or long-term pay/wages
More data needed to show worker’s economic outcomes in the years after they first enter an occupation
Many programs with large impacts are non-profit run, which can be selective and have higher costs per participant
We need to design programs more around transferable skills (not just technical skills)
Still seeing two main barriers (particularly for female students (colored women even more so disproportionately affected): childcare and transportation
Partner companies need to reimagine benefits package
Programs need to engage in more employer partnerships
Project Quest (
Respondent Panel
Taking the time to pair students with role models/mentors
Job Starter Program (Grant-Funded: Blue Ridge Community College & JMU Partnership)
Merck production facility needs
Supporting with prospective local employment opportunities
3-Week Bootcamp (basics of manufacturing)
Sponsoring companies (8 companies; sponsoring students)
Guaranteed job interviews
What are the laundpad occupations in our regions?
DARS Community Academy - Kate: Project Director
Virginia Infrastructure Academy?
We NEED more unrestricted funding
School divisions able to support transportation needs with school buses?
Afternoon Breakout Session
Career and Technical Education (CTE) as IET Partners
(Judy Sams, Project Specialist - Business & IT - VDOE:
Start partnership talks about identifying key questions and answers
If it’s CTE Approved, it’s also Adult Ed. Approved (if ever a question - call/email Jenna Kelly @ VDOE)
Lesson plans, scenarios, quizzes, materials, workplace readiness
Must have a certified educator to teach/trainer for IET
Microsoft Imagine Academy
High-Quality Work-Based Learning Guides available from Regional Work base Learning Specialist/Coordinators
RESOURCE: (Perfect resource for IET Planning Tools)
Partner with CTE to purchase equipment under AEFLA for IET
Funding source: Becoming an approved training provider
Office Specialist 1, 2 & 3: Designed for students with disabilities (great option for ESOL students)
Program Manager Meeting
Links to the resources shared:
1. Google Folder with resources that can be used to engage partners and/or learners.
3. Voices from the Field Podcast
4. Padlet from Spring 2022 Serving Refugees PLC
5. Link to Office of New Americans Website with refugee resettlement agencies' information