Memo No. 060-23: Opening the Program Year 2023-2024

The purpose of this Memo is to announce the availability of several key documents and activities for grant management during Program Year (PY) 2023-2024 which begins July 1, 2023. Find information about the data collection system, the assessment and distance education policy, and the calendar of fiscal due dates. Please share this Memo with relevant program staff members.

Adult Education Data Entry

The PY 2023-2024 collection window of the state management information system (MIS) for adult education is expected to open by August 31, 2023. Providers should expect to begin the year using the current application before the VDOE conducts the cut-over to the new data system.

Programs must use the 2023-2024 Adult Student Profile Document (ASDP), available on this webpage, for every student served and maintain this documentation. 

Assessment and Distance Education Policy

The PY2023-2024 Assessment and Distance Education Policy for Virginia Adult Education and Literacy Programs is available online. This policy is in effect as of July 1, 2023. There are no significant changes in the policy from the previous year. The Policy indicates that federal approval for several assessments is set to expire in February of 2024. Updates on federal assessment approvals or revocation of approvals will be communicated via Adult Education Director’s Memos.

The Approved Distance Education Curricula for Virginia Adult Education and Literacy Programs has been updated and is available online through the Virginia Adult Learning Resource Center.

Adult Education Calendar of Due Dates

The PY2023-2024 Calendar of Due Dates has been posted at this webpage. This calendar specifies quarterly and final fiscal reporting deadline.

If you have further questions, please contact Heidi Silver-Pacuilla, Ph.D., Adult Education Coordinator, by email at or by telephone at (804) 786-3347.


Memo No. 059-23: Adult Education 2023-2024 Award Recipients