Regional Advisory Meeting Recap
January 2022
Great meeting all! 😊 Thanks to Janet and Lori, as always, for presenting and helping to moderate the meeting! Thank you to each of you as well for participating, sharing updates on your programming, and your active engagement in our polls! I’m sharing the link here just in case anyone wanted to review.
Below, please find highlight notes, in addition to files/links shared, and upcoming due dates.
Finance Updates
Any questions for this section are to be sent directly to Shekera (
and copy Lori (
We’ve surpassed our Q2 spending target for every grant!! Way to go team!!
Keep spending down RACE and GAE. As you know these grants end earlier than AEFLA.
Our program revenue is showing great signs of recovery; but if we can’t spend down our funds, we may very well need to have a conversation about decreasing PI requirements.
Email approvals will no longer be accepted (e-signatures and physical signatures ONLY)
Please use FY2021-22 forms. Forms found here.
Big thanks to everyone for getting your Reallocation Workbooks in! We’ve reviewed and reached out for pre-approved spending. We’re still waiting for official GANs from VDOE; if you have any questions or need to make any changes please let us know ASAP!
Grants Summary (click here to download)
Match & Program Income (click here to download)
Reallocation season is almost upon us… start thinking about how you’d like to spend down funds following these general priorities:
Data Updates
Any questions for this section are to be sent directly to Shekera (
and copy Janet (
REMINDER: Data Flow Process Outline
Question 17 from 2021-22 Self-Assessment Survey: The Provider has established a system of data flow that uses a multi-leveled accountability and oversight approach (internal controls) to ensure that program data are recorded accurately and that the data submitted to the VDOE match the data on all students’ Adult Student Profile Documents (ASPD). (Program Managers Responsibility Manual)
An outline template to document your data flow has been created and can be found here:
Due January 28, 2022
New VDOE Initiative: Free GED Test Voucher Program
Janet Jaufmann is our regional contact for this new initiative
Qualification requirements:
Student must be enrolled in program with at least 12 hours
GED Ready score = 145+
UPDATE: Vouchers can be used for both in-person and online testing
Please send any additional questions to Shekera ( and copy Janet (
VDOE Updates
The latest VDOE Bi-Monthly Program Manager Webinar was on January 24th. Click on the link here to view meeting highlights.
Regional Programming Updates
Discussion & Poll Results
Regional PD Topics - Winner: Data Advisory - Learning how to use data for program improvement (TBD)
February Meeting – Cancelled (Next Meeting 3/15/22)
Typsey (Paid Typing Platform for Students) – Student Usage Estimate
Thank you for providing estimates. We will use this information to pull together the cost/usage information and keep you posted on our progress.