IET PLC Workgroup Fall 2021
This PLC Workgroup is geared toward practitioners who are currently implementing or planning to implement IET programs, including IELCE and PluggedInVA.
All instructors, program managers, regional specialists, support staff, and others involved in (or considering involvement in) the planning, implementation, or evaluation of an IET/IELCE are encouraged to participate. The more experiences represented in the group, the better!
The PLC Workgroup will support practitioners by
building networks across regions,
providing a virtual collaborative space to share and build IET resources, and
supporting a forum for peer-to-peer brainstorming and technical assistance.
The overarching goals of this PLC are
to build a peer-to-peer network of IET and IELCE practitioners where we can share expertise, ideas, and resources to build up our IET programs; and
to collaborate to build a library of IET tools (through the newly developed IET Blueprint) for use in programs across the state, across skill levels, and across a range of industry clusters.
Facilitators: Kate Rolander and Hali Massey from VALRC will serve as the primary facilitators with invited guests to provide additional guidance and resources as needs arise.
In addition to asynchronous resource-sharing and discussion, as well as access to a virtual IET network, we will hold 4 virtual PLC sessions from 12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. on the following Tuesdays:
September 14
October 12
November 2
November 30
While we strongly encourage and prefer participation in ALL synchronous sessions, we recognize the full schedules all of you have this fall.
We welcome participation at any level that is convenient and valuable for you!
More about content
Content will be largely be responsive to the needs and interests of the group; however, we will cover the following topics, providing tools and resources for the PLC:
IET/IELCE planning, implementation, and evaluation tools and checklists
Marketing and recruiting for IETs (sample materials, strategies for reaching new audiences, leveraging partner resources)
Designing IETs for adults at lower literacy skill levels
Data collection for IET evaluations and continuous improvement
Models for developing unified competency lists with all three IET components
Building Capstone projects (i.e., example projects and how to develop projects with partners and learners)
Leveraging partnerships (building student supports and engaging employers)
For more information or with any questions, reach out to Kate Rolander at
Let us know your thoughts: If you are unsure of your schedule and still interested in participating, please fill out this brief form to give us a better idea of how we can best support you with the PLC and workgroup.