VALRC Seeking Members for the 2021-23 Distance Education Curriculum Review Panel

Attention all Adult Education Providers!

VALRC, through a cooperative agreement with VDOE, is looking for members to join the 2021-2023 Distance Education Curriculum Review Panel. The mission and purpose of the panel is to review and recommend submissions for newly proposed distance education curricula to be used in adult education programs. Panel membership is designed to reflect the diversity of providers of adult education services throughout the state. The panel will be comprised of nine members, at least three of whom are fluent in Spanish. Members will serve on the panel for the next two years, program year 2021-22 and program year 2022-23.

The panel will convene remotely during the fall and spring. It is anticipated that there will be a time commitment of four hours for curriculum review (pre-work) followed by a one-hour synchronous virtual meeting to discuss submissions and make recommendations. A one hour virtual orientation will be held prior to the first panel review. Each panel member will receive a stipend of $300 annually for participating in the required review of submissions and panel meetings each program year.

If you are interested in serving on the Distance Education Curriculum Review Panel, please complete this Google form by October 132021. Please contact Jenna Kelly at with any questions. Special interest in Spanish speaking applicants. If you are fluent in Spanish and involved in an adult education program in Virginia, please consider applying.


PWC’s Specialty Class starting Nov. 30th
