VATESOL Board Nominations

A Request from Hali Massey (VALRC ESOL Specialist):

I wanted to reach out because I am the Adult Education Special Interest Chair for VATESOL, and we are currently looking for nominations for our open board positions.

I wanted to see if you all might pass this along to your active ESOL staff and instructors. I would love to see more adult education representation on the board!

The time commitment is a 1-hour monthly meeting, and writing blog articles occasionally. We also plan a conference and other PD opportunities each year. Also, people do not have to be current members to run for a board position.

Here is the nomination form that shows the open positions. Please feel free to direct anyone who is interested to me if they have any questions!


Happy Adult Education & Family Literacy Week AND VAACE Registration


Fall Distance Education Curriculum Submission Deadline: October 14, 2022