Regional Advisory Meeting Recap

November 2022

Great meeting all! 😊 Welcome again, Michelle!

Thanks to Janet and Lori, as always, for presenting and helping to moderate the meeting!  Thank you to each of you as well for participating, sharing updates on your programming, and doing your part to ensure this year remains such a marked improvement over last year!

 Below, please find highlight notes, in addition to files/links shared, and upcoming due dates. 

Finance Updates

Any questions for this section are to be sent directly to Shekera (
and copy Lori (


  • Review of Year to Date Spending

    o    October Grants Summary

    –         AEFLA 23%

    –         RACE (slightly behind where we were last year, quarterly meetings last year gave indications on spend down)

    –         PIVA (Please let us know if you have any questions)

    o    October PI & Match

    –         Some already completing matching requirements

  • SLCA Reimbursements

    o    FY24 Grant Application

    –         If you want less SLCA money, let Lori know

    o    AEFLA Q1 Reimbursements

    –         Being processed today and tomorrow, PIVA & RACE won’t be released until January

    o    Future PIVA

    –         Based on current year application, PIVA will continue next year as this year (this has been confirmed from VDOE)

Data Updates


  • Class Status Report

    o    Reminder, Oct. 20 should be in the system by Nov. 20th; if you can’t make the 20th, aim for the 31st

  • State GED Vouchers

    o    We’d like to use the remaining 42 vouchers

  • Nov. 7th and 9th Data Training Sharing?

  • Upcoming Data Office Hours (11/15 and 12/6)

Any questions for this section are to be sent directly to Shekera (
and copy Janet (

 VDOE Updates

Review Director’s Memo’s: Latest updates, Opening 2022-2023 Data Collection & Calendar Due Dates

The last VDOE Bi-Monthly Program Manager Webinar was on Sept. 19th. Click on the buttons below to access the slides and the video (when made available by VDOE). The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, November 21st.

Career Pathways Summit Highlights

Here is the landing page for the Career Pathways Summit that took place on November 1st & 2nd. Here is a link to the summary page I put together based on my notes from attendance. Additionally, here is the CTE As a Partner, PowerPoint presentation for your review.

Regional Programming Updates

  • Congrats to English Empowerment Center (formerly Literacy Council of Northern Virginia) on the rebrand!

    • We’re excited to witness your growth and to continue our great partnership!

  • Regional SSN Statement

    • Janet and Shekera will review based on feedback provided and create final version for translation and distribution

Best Practices Discussion: Career Counselor/Navigator

Our regional career counselors/navigators, paid out of PIVA, may have different titles across the region, but their work is the same. Here is a list of tasks/activities that you all shared your career navigator/counselor supports for your various programs. (Contact Info for Colleen Hess ( and Deidra Anderson (, FCPS GED Career Coaches who are happy to help!)

  • Work with classes to set appointments for students

  • Advertise availability and methods of support

  • Schedule time during classes while students are present

  • Define personal and academic goals (working one-on-one)

  • Blog/Electronic newsletter focusing on career paths, job openings

  • Refer students to workforce center/one stop for assistance with interview prep, resume creation/update

  • Assist students with job finding

  • Train volunteers to assist in student support

  • Email students directly to identify services and supports

  • Share job announcements and job fairs

  • Share materials in orientation format

  • Create online form to sign up for services and support

  • Collaborate with content specialists in CTE/Community Ed Departments to discuss next steps with students

Career Connection Newsletter - Created by Rachel Buczynski, Fairfax ESOL Career Navigator


Upcoming Due Dates

12/2 – Class Status Report Due

12/9 – Monthly Finance Reports Due

Reminder: No Regional Meeting Scheduled for December